Digital i’s unrivaled data quality puts you in the room with viewers across the globe, so you know everything about what, where, when, why, and how they watch.
We help clients negotiate better deals, compete on a global level, and find their niche in an ever-changing market.
Explore solutionsKnow how your content is performing — and what it’s worth
Understand how viewers watch and what they want
Keep your finger on the pulse of the entertainment industry
We’ve been finding insights in viewing data since 2003. We started as a TV analytics firm and expanded our focus to include streaming.
Learn more about digital iWe collect viewing data from managed panels using a privacy-compliant app. Our data is subject to rigorous quality control and passes validation tests from studios and streamers.
REVIEW our methodologyWe offer more than just numbers — our expert analysts work hand in hand with you to make sure you get the full value of your data and set you up for success.
We’ve got the insights you’re looking for. Single-source measurement lets you compare viewing behavior across 20+ countries on one platform.
We share a step-by-step breakdown of our data collection and processing methodology with you, and we’re happy to provide raw data upon request.
Whether you’re looking for a custom reporting package focused on specific insights or raw data to share with your in-house research team, we’ve got you covered.
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